Thank You To Our Supporters

This page is dedicated to giving thanks to all the people and area merchants that do so much to support Glacier Nordic Club and the Glacier Nordic Ski Team. Some donate or volunteer their time, products, services, and money over and over again. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We can’t do what we do without you.

Glacier Nordic Ski Team Van Sponsors

Thank you to our amazing sponsors!

2025 GNC Van Sponsors for Desktop
2025 GNC van sponsor logos for mobile devices

Great Fish Donors 2022

Kevin and Christine Abel
AGL Foundation
Lin and Kathy Akey
Rob and Kim Akey
Chip and Kate Andrews
Gerald Askevold
Baldridge Family Donor Advised Fund
Michael and Kristi Barham
Naomi Barnes
Kevin, Shelby and Alexander Bauman
Bayne Family Fund
Carla Belski
Lindsey Bengtson
Ed Blair and Kelly Ingham
Robert and JoBeth Blair
Noah and Erin Bodman
Katie Boyd
Scott and Barbara Brant
Rita Braun
Brian Miller PC
John and Madison Browning
Larry and Molly Bruce
Ron and Jan Brunk
Bur-Bash Donor Advised Fund
Linda Chauner
Jeffrey and Heidi Clausen
Jordan Marc Cohen
Collins DAF
Paul Conrad and Ellie Johnson
Kevin Corbett
William Cox and Judy Rosenfeld-Cox
Jennifer Cozad
Ben and Jenny Cronin
Nancy Cronin
Matt Daniels
Kathryn Dolesh
Mark and Lynnette Donaldson
Maria Drey
Felicia Ennis
Dan and Ann Fagre
Erslev Family
John Feldt and Myrna Chamberlin
Thomas Feller and Carol Cunningham
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Donald and Joann Fleming
Fred and Sarah Jones Donor Advised Fund
Brandon and Kathryn French
Susan Garside
Maggie, Jason, Jack, and Sam Garver
Judah Gersh
Timothy and Jolene Gibbs
Glacier Bank
Glacier Cyclery & Nordic
Glacier Guides and Montana Raft
Good Medicine Lodge
Wanda Good
David Gordon
Richard Gordon and Cheryl Watkins
David Grady and Linda Engh-Grady
Sandy Gray and Cameron Blake
Great Northern Homes
Alan Gregory
Doug Griesel and Rebecca Briber
Lauren Hafferman
Bruce and Kaye Haller
Tom and Sue Harding
Kristen Harrison
Hildner Family Fund
Roderick Hines
Stella and Willie Hobbs
Mike Holling
Mark and Chris Holt
Dusty Hosek
Charlie and Brooke Hoving
Trevor and Kacy Howard
Leslie Hunt
Mary Huston
Ila B. Dousman Fund, Inc.
Franz and Cynthia Ingelfinger
J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund
Emily Jense
Jerry and Rhona Meislik Designated Fund
Jewish Communal Fund
Gordon Johnson
Hallie Johnson
Jeff Jones
Gregory and Connie Kasper
Craig and Holly Kemp
Katherine Kendall
Mary Knotts
Tom and Ruth Kosmalski
Kevin Kosnoff
Kramer Family Fund
Norman Kuennen and Mary Reed
Tanner and Stephanie Kuhl
Christina Larsen
Michael Lebeau
Joe and Beth Lewis
Bruce Lieffring and Brenda Winkler
Norma Linsky
Marcia Litchfield
Brady Lockhart and Amanda Belleville
Fred Longhart and Marjory McClaren
Jim and Norma MacKenzie
Scotty and Gayle MacLaren
Patrick Malone
Brian and Denise Manning
David Marx
Robert and Kathy McElrath
Mark and Suzanne Mees
Richard Menicke and Jennifer Asebrook
Christine Merriman
Peter and Renee Metcalf
Pete and Jan Metzmaker
Martin and Laurie Miller
James and Shawna Moore
Devonna Morgan
Jeff and Amy Mow
John Muhlfeld and Stephanie Sunshine
Patrick Muri
Ed and Sherri Nissen
Northwest Imaging, PC
Scott and Amy Olson
Jessie Opel
Ben and Jennifer Osburn
Richard and Vallina Ostrem
Caitlin Overland
Marvin Parker
Andrew and Alyssa Parsons
Andrew Paslawsky and Kim Sands
Annegret Pfeifer
Quinn Family Fund
Raymond James Charitable Fund
Kelly Redfield
Gerda Reeb
Victoria Reich
Jim Rogers and Sherry Jones
Ryan and Rebecca Rusche
Don and Colleen Scharfe
Tony and Susan Schiller
Charles and Nancy Schuber
Mary and Rob Schwada
Anne Scott-Markle
Selah Charitable Trust
Tim and Hilary Shaw
Paul Sheehan and Kendra Hope
Roger Sievers
Doc (Paul) and Terri Smiley
Terri Smith
Will and Bonnie Smith
Preston and Margie Spencer
Joseph and Deanne Sramek
Peter and Elaine Steele
David Streeter
Mike and Bonnie Streeter
Stumptown Vacation Rentals
Colleen Sullivan
Brett Svetlik and Sierra McCartney
Tamarack Foundation, Inc.
Tate Interiors
Kent and Kim Taylor
The ZaneRay Group
Sam and Julie Tickle
Wakefield Troy
Tod and Beth Trueblood
Daniel Tutko
Vanguard Charitable
Darrel and Elizabeth Vankoten
Tagen and Carrie Vine
Benjamin and Katherine Ward
Cindy Weaver
Karl Weber
Joel Welle and Megan Pepe
Whisler Family Fund
William and Karen Whitby
Chris and Karen Williams
Larry and Rebecca Williams
Jeimi Woffinden
Kristin Yandora
Linda Zimet

Glacier Nordic Club Lighting Sponsors

GNC Lighting Donors